Limudim Shelanu 2048x1645

What We Discussed: Parashat Matot-Masei

Shavua Tov! Wondering what we discussed this past Shabbat? Here is a link to Friday Night’s D’Var Torah: When Outrage Takes on a Life of Its Own.

On Shabbat morning, we discussed the concept of blood of a murdered person defiling the land of Israel and that the only expiation is the death of the murderer. Is this right? And to whom does it – or should it – apply? What else can defile the land?  Can the land even be defiled? How can we bring this into the modern age? Is not caring for the earth (e.g. climate change) akin to defiling the land? What do you think? Here is a link to the source sheet.

Hope to see you next week! Shavua Tov!

— Rabbi Adrienne : )