Mazal Tov on reaching this milestone in your child’s life! Planning and preparing for B-Mitzvah does not have to be an arduous process! It can be fun and engaging! (I will use B-Mitzvah here, which encompasses all genders and both single-person and multi-person services.)

For families who are not synagogue members or whose children are unable to attend a traditional religious school, whether for financial, timing or learning reasons, private religious school and B-Mitzvah preparation are an opportunity to experience this wonderful life-cycle event in a way that works for you and your whole family. (Many synagogues offer flexible learning and I encourage you to explore connecting with them!)

Preparing for the service is the core of this life-cycle event and as your Rabbi, I can help make the journey toward it fun and meaningful for both you and your child. I take great joy and pride in the work of my students and stay in touch with them for many years later. My students universally say they miss our weekly lessons after they have finished (but they never miss the practicing!).

I believe in taking a personal approach to the B-Mitzvah experience. The plan of study and what they will do in the service itself are fully customized for your child, depending on their strengths and weaknesses, their interests, and the time they can devote to it. This not only enhances their learning, but makes this a positive experience for all of you. Many parents tell me they hated their B-Mitzvah preparations. My goal is for my students to enjoy it. (Well, not the practicing. No one likes that, but I do help them make it as efficient as possible!) You can read some of what my students and their parents have said here.

When the big day comes, your child will help lead the whole service, and your family will lead and participate in it, too. As both a Rabbi and Cantor, I bring knowledge and music to the service to help everyone there find meaning and value in it. People will read and sing along and share in the joy and pride as your child takes their place in the Jewish community. You will remember this special family life-cycle event forever. And your child will feel an amazing sense of accomplishment in their success.

I have put together the answers to a number of Frequently Asked Questions here. Please use the form below to reach out to me or call me at 609-577-6842. I would be delighted to work with your child as you move toward this special moment in your lives.