Shavua Tov! Wondering what we discussed this past Shabbat? Here is a link to Friday Night’s D’Var Torah: God’s Torah in Our Mouths: in honor of Debbie Friedman z’’l. If you missed our special Debbie Friedman service and would like to watch it, you can watch it here.
On Saturday, we discussed the blessing that Pharaoh asked of Moses before the Israelites fled Egypt. Why did Pharaoh ask Moses for a blessing? Was it an admission that the God of Moses was greater than the gods of Pharaoh? Or Pharaoh (who was an Egyptian god, after all) himself? Was it so that Pharaoh would not fall victim to the plague of the first born? Was it that every blessing helps? What do you think? You can see the source sheet here.
Hope to see you next week!
Shavua Tov!
— Rabbi Adrienne : )