
Shabbat Shalom! Parashat Vayigash

Shabbat Shalom! This week’s Torah Portion is Vayigash, Genesis 44:18-47:27. I hope you will join us for Shabbat Services this week: Friday, January 3, at 7:30 p.m. and Saturday, December 7, at 10:00 a.m.

Torah Question of the Week:

Have you ever heard the phrase, “everything happens for a reason?” This is problematic for many people: How can we say that the many terrible things in the world happen for a reason? In this week’s Torah portion, Joseph tells his brothers that their selling him into slavery ensured their survival during the famine and so was God’s purpose. Do you believe that sometimes something positive can come from a negative experience? When have you experienced a silver lining from a difficult episode in your life?

Want to learn about the Torah portion?

Here is a video summary.

Here is a written summary.

Here is the full text.   

I hope to see you at services! Shabbat Shalom!

— Rabbi Adrienne : )