
Shabbat Shalom! Parashat T’tzaveh

Shabbat Shalom! This week’s Torah Portion is T’tzaveh (Shabbat Zachor – the Shabbat before Purim), Exodus 27:20-30:10. I hope you will join us for Shabbat Services this week: Friday, March 7, at 7:30 p.m. It is Shabbat Across America – an evening when we welcome everyone to share in Shabbat in some way and we are looking forward to a tasty Shabbat dinner before services!

Torah Question of the Week:

Are there people in your life that you draw on for support when you do something challenging? How do you carry them with you to do that? In this week’s Torah portion, Aaron, the High Priest (and Moses’ brother) is instructed to carry the names of the tribes of Israel over his heart when he enters the sanctuary. How do you remember the people who give you strength – or count on you for strength? Is there a way you can find to carry them with you for when you need them?

Want to learn about the Torah portion?

Here is a video summary.

Here is a written summary.

Here is the full text.   

I hope to see you at services! Shabbat Shalom!