Limudim Shelanu 2048x1645

What We Discussed: Parashat T’rumah

Shavua Tov! Wondering what we discussed this past Shabbat? Here is a link to Friday Night’s D’Var Torah: Coming Together: What We Bring Matters – For Scout Shabbat. If you missed our special Scout Shabbat service and would like to watch it, you can watch it here.

On Saturday, we discussed the gifts that the Israelites brought for the Mishkan – the Tabernacle. Were they commanded to bring these specific materials? If so, were these gifts truly voluntary? Or was the list reflecting the gifts that were brought, not that they were commanded to be brought? What do you think? You can see the source sheet here.

Hope to see you next week!

Shavua Tov!

— Rabbi Adrienne : )